Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009


Sea weed used for the materials of jelly making is red algae class (rhodophyta) bay all kinds of region name such as : sango-sango, fringe of kasang, oar beard, dongi-dongi, embulung bulung, rock jelly, ginger jelly, sangu bulung and others.
Jelly yielded from seaweed metabolism primary. The process is by doing extraction of grass in sour atmosphere after alkali treatment then dried. Jelly production can be in many from such as gelatinous flour, paper jelly or bar jelly and sheet. Beside for the consumption of food, jelly is also produced for usefulness in laboratory as bacterium media or network culture.

Manisan Rumput Laut

Bahan :
Rumput laut 1 kg
Air ½ kg
Gula pasir 500 gr
Putih telur 100 gr
Asam citrate 50 gr
Sodium Benzoat 15 gr
Vanili secukupnya
Sirup dan perwarna secukupnya

Cara membuat :
Rumput laut dicuci bersih kemudian direndam dengan air kapur sirih boleh juga menggunakan air beras atau air putih biasa kemudian direndam selama 3 hari untuk memutihkan warna rumput laut dan menghilangkan baunya. Setelah itu dicuci bersih kemudian di potong-potong setelah dipotong rendam rumput laut tadi selama satu jam kedalam perasan jeruk manis gunanya agar memberi aroma jeruk. Siapkan larutan gula dengan perbandingan 1:1 yaitu 1 bagian gula dan 1 bagian air kemudian dididikah setelah itu tambahkan sitrat dan benzoat. Untuk mendapatkan larutan gula yang bersih, tambahkan putih telur selama perebusan dan selanjutnya didinginkan dan disaring.
Masukkan kedalam larutan air gula dingin yaitu 1:2 (rumput laut dan gula) kemudian rendam selama 24 jam atau lebih. Manisan rumput laut siap untuk dikonsumsi. Sebaiknya manisan rumput laut ini disimpan didalam kulkas supaya bisa tahan lama.

Seaweed sweets

1 kg of seaweed
Water ½ kg
500 gr sugar
Egg white 100 gr
Acid citrate 50 g
Sodium benzoate 15 g
Vanilla taste
Syrup and food color

How to make:
Seaweed is washed with water and then soaked whiting may also use rice water or plain water and soak for 3 days to whiten the color of seaweed and eliminate odor. After it is washed and cut into pieces after the cut had seaweed soak for an hour into a sweet juice point to give an orange aroma. Prepare a sugar solution with a ratio of 1:1 ie 1 part sugar and 1 part water and then boiling then add citrate and benzoate.
To obtain a clean solution of sugar, add egg white during boiling and then cooled and filtered.
Enter into cold sugar water solution of 1:2 (seaweed and sugar) and then soak for 24 hours or more. Seaweed sweets ready for consumption. Should candied seaweed is stored in the refrigerator so she could stand it long.

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