Senin, 14 Desember 2009



Ujung kulon is a special place for animals in West Jawa. There life big rhino which sometimes people called Badak Jawa or one horn rhinos from Java. Thick pieces of very hard skin cover its body. Badak Jawa has a short neck, small eyes and its make they don’t see very well. Instead, its hearing and sense of smell are good. It has a short hard horn above its nose which it uses a weapon.

This big animal eats leaves, twigs and certain kinds of grass. It searches for food in the afternoon, after the sun goes down and it is cool. During the hot part of the day, it plays in the mud, turning and rubbing its body in the mud to feel cooler.

BAdak Jawa always lives in a very small group, and sometimes even lives alone. This rhino is famous for its horn. Many hunters kill these animals for te horn, which they sell at very high prices. Other people make medicine from rhino’s horn. Many rhino die at the hands of these hunters. If this continues to happen. In another few year we will not able to find rhinos anymore….

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