Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Orange and Banana

Oranges and Bananas

Oranges and bananas are the fruit of hard to find

Vitamins in the fruit is excellent for the kids

There's good news because if the children eat bananas and oranges

every day before the child reaches the age of 2 years then he will tend to

protected from leukemia.

Leukemia is a type of cancer that attacked the children most

under the age of 15 years.

From the study at the University of California, Berkeley, USA is known that consume
 orange and banana juice 4 to 6 times a week can protect

of this malignant disease.

Reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Researchers expected that vitamin C and many other vitamins contained

in fruits can protect the body from carcinogens in food

such as foods fried in  used oil ...

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009


Sea weed used for the materials of jelly making is red algae class (rhodophyta) bay all kinds of region name such as : sango-sango, fringe of kasang, oar beard, dongi-dongi, embulung bulung, rock jelly, ginger jelly, sangu bulung and others.
Jelly yielded from seaweed metabolism primary. The process is by doing extraction of grass in sour atmosphere after alkali treatment then dried. Jelly production can be in many from such as gelatinous flour, paper jelly or bar jelly and sheet. Beside for the consumption of food, jelly is also produced for usefulness in laboratory as bacterium media or network culture.

Manisan Rumput Laut

Bahan :
Rumput laut 1 kg
Air ½ kg
Gula pasir 500 gr
Putih telur 100 gr
Asam citrate 50 gr
Sodium Benzoat 15 gr
Vanili secukupnya
Sirup dan perwarna secukupnya

Cara membuat :
Rumput laut dicuci bersih kemudian direndam dengan air kapur sirih boleh juga menggunakan air beras atau air putih biasa kemudian direndam selama 3 hari untuk memutihkan warna rumput laut dan menghilangkan baunya. Setelah itu dicuci bersih kemudian di potong-potong setelah dipotong rendam rumput laut tadi selama satu jam kedalam perasan jeruk manis gunanya agar memberi aroma jeruk. Siapkan larutan gula dengan perbandingan 1:1 yaitu 1 bagian gula dan 1 bagian air kemudian dididikah setelah itu tambahkan sitrat dan benzoat. Untuk mendapatkan larutan gula yang bersih, tambahkan putih telur selama perebusan dan selanjutnya didinginkan dan disaring.
Masukkan kedalam larutan air gula dingin yaitu 1:2 (rumput laut dan gula) kemudian rendam selama 24 jam atau lebih. Manisan rumput laut siap untuk dikonsumsi. Sebaiknya manisan rumput laut ini disimpan didalam kulkas supaya bisa tahan lama.

Seaweed sweets

1 kg of seaweed
Water ½ kg
500 gr sugar
Egg white 100 gr
Acid citrate 50 g
Sodium benzoate 15 g
Vanilla taste
Syrup and food color

How to make:
Seaweed is washed with water and then soaked whiting may also use rice water or plain water and soak for 3 days to whiten the color of seaweed and eliminate odor. After it is washed and cut into pieces after the cut had seaweed soak for an hour into a sweet juice point to give an orange aroma. Prepare a sugar solution with a ratio of 1:1 ie 1 part sugar and 1 part water and then boiling then add citrate and benzoate.
To obtain a clean solution of sugar, add egg white during boiling and then cooled and filtered.
Enter into cold sugar water solution of 1:2 (seaweed and sugar) and then soak for 24 hours or more. Seaweed sweets ready for consumption. Should candied seaweed is stored in the refrigerator so she could stand it long.

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009



Lime water to remove the potent odor of our bodies such as bad breath or a person who has the smell of sweat is less tasty and eliminating odor in the vagina.

These herbs have the efficacy in lowering blood sugar pancakes, cholesterol and blood fats. Simply 1 teaspoon per day can keep diabetes man to remain healthy.

According to a study in the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Marylang, the United States that consume 1 gram or less than a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day can lower the blood sugar and cholesterol and blood fats.
Take lime powder/ white limestone and sifted and take 15 pieces of betel leaves in a blender until smooth and mixed with 50 gr coriander, add the lemon grass leaves in a blender to taste smooth and all the above ingredients in the mix with clean water stir to mix add water until all the ingredients soak up all the ingredients set aside to settle. Having already taken water sediment settles. To remove the smell of the mouth so that water used to rinse. To eliminate the odor on the body / armpit armpit then wash with water earlier deposition. If to remove the odor in the vaginal washing the vagina with water.

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Folklore- from Bali

Kebo Iwa
The Strong Man

This is a story about the legendary strong man Kebo Iwa. There is a building, well or lake in many village have been made by Kebo Iwa. In a small village there was once a man and his wife living. There are not blessed with a child. Day by day they always pray to God that they were blessed with a child. The request was granted, and in time the woman gave birth to a son whom she named Iwa. The parent were delighted, but soon they noticed strage things about their son. As soon as he was born, instead of drinking his mother’s milk, he ate large servings of rice. Every day he ate more and more. Because he was so big and tall strog the villagers called him Kebo or the Buffalo.

Kebo Iwa parent’s could no longer look after him because he ate much food so they asked to their neighbor to help. Together the all fed him and even built him a place to sleep. When he wished to take a bath he often went to lake Bratan high up in the mountains in the centre of the islan. For an ordinary person this lake lay at the end of along journey, but for Kebo Iwa it was no distance at all, so great was his stride. The villagers marveled that he was home from his bath even before the water had dried on his body. When he went thirsty, he just stuck his fingers into the earth and so made a well.

Kebo Iwa ate so much that all the people of Bali could no longer feed him enough. One day suffering from hunger Kebo became crazy. With the flick of a finger he destroyed house and temples. A stamps of his foot left a deep valley. The people quickly realized that something had to be done. The wooden alarm drum was sounded and a meeting was called.
If Kebo Iwa become hungry, began the village chief this means he is human like us and can be stopped. So we can all oppose him without the use of force and order him to stop taking food from us.

But this didn’t work. Kebo Iwa did not want to go ungry. He chased the village and ate their cows and pigs. Anybody or anything alive might become the food of the giant Kebo Iwa. Again the wooden alarm was sounded and the villagers gathered to discuss the situation. It was clear that force would be necessary, but no one was brave enough to propose it. Finally an old man spoke up, “ we are the human beings and God has granted us the power of using our minds. I know everyone is thinking about force, yet our power is nothing compared with that of Kebo Iwa. But something can be done. Than they plan a trick. AT that time Kebo Iwa was lying down peacefully so it was dicided that this was a good time to speak to him. Kebo was asked to rebuild all the dams, houses, and temples that he had destroyed. And he was to dig a deep well that could be used to water all the rice fields and so increase the harvest. The villagers, for their part, said they asked no payment for the cows and pigs that were eaten or for all the property that was lost. And they guaranteed Kebo sufficient food, and even promised to give him more than before.

Kebo agreed, and within a few days he had rebuilt the dams, house and temples. Then he began to dig a well near the foot of Mount Batur. He used no tools, hust his hands. As Kebo dug deeper and deeper the villagers gathered together a great file of lime such as is used to white wash the walls of houses. When Kebo come back up to the surface he askes what all the lime was for… the villagers told him it was for a dam that would have to be builst to control the water from the well. Part of it they said, was for a house that they wanter to give Kebo in return for his work.

Kebo was happy to hear this, for he had never thought to build himself a house. If he was tired he usually slept on to of a mountain, beside a river, or on a grassy plain. After he had eaten Kebo went back down the well to continue his work. However instead of working he lay down, for he felt tired after his meal. Kebo was so deep in the earth that the villagers standing by the edge fo the well could not see him. When he did’nt reappear for several days, some people thought he must have been killed by a fall of earth, but others thought that he was working harder than ever. Only when they heard a sound like thunder coming out of a clear sky did they realize that Kebo was sound asleep. So deep an large was the well that the sound of his snoring was magnifield many times. The people thought he must have reached the centre of the world. Then the headmen gave the sign to throw in all the lime that had been collected. As the villagers were doing this the water rose up. And they could see Kebo floating on top. Still fast a sleep. Althought he was lifted up by the water he did not fell anything. The villager threw in lime just as fast as they could. Gradually it piled up aroud Kebo legs, and around his body. Soon the lime reached as high as his nose. Suddently Kebo woke up. His breathing had become duffucult and the lime burned his lungs. His eyes almost popped out of his head, so amazed was he at the trick played on him. He tried to get out, but the lime covered his body, mixed with the water, and held him down. The vellagers raslized he was stuck fast an quickly poured in more lime till Kebo Iwa was completely covered.

The villagers were amazed that Kebo Iwa made so little effort to oppose them. The gleam in his eyes, which were soon to close, showed that he had accepted his death an was ready to face God. Gradually the water rose, as if following the soul of Kebo Iwa. It rose up and spilled over the top of the well, and poured out in all direction, forming a broad lake. This lake is now called Lake Batur, and it is the source of the water that flows down the river of Bali. Ang so Kebo Iwa fulfilled his promised to make no more trouble, and to provide water for all the rice fields on the island.

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Roll Brownies whipped cream


10 grains of yolk
3 eggs egg white
Sugar fr 100
1 tablespoon SP / TBM
Flour 90 grm
10 grm cocoa powder
125 gr melted margarine / vegetable oil
200 gr chocolate block into thin slices
1 tablespoon brown pasta
Cherry or strawberry for garnish

Beat eggs and sugar until the rise and enter the SP in whipped for 15 minutes
After that input flour and cocoa powder which had been mixed with the first beat on low speed until well blended. Last entries that have been melted margarine or vegetable oil into the dough. Bake in oven until done.
Once cooked cream buter apply and then roll it with a butter tub cream and sprinkle pieces of chocolate and strawberry pieces.


There is power in love, and people who can give love is a strong man, because he can beat his desire for self-serving.

There is strength in the joy of laughter, and those who laughed with delight is a strong person because he was never dissolved with the challenges and trials.
There is strength in peace themselves, and who himself is a happy peaceful strong person because he never wavered, and not easily swayed.

There is strength in kindness, and generous person who is a strong person because he never held her mouth and hands to do good for others.
There is strength in kindness, and generous person who is a strong person because he never held her mouth and hands to do good for others.......
There is strength in the loyalty, and the faithful is a strong person because he can beat personal passions and desires with loyalty to God and neighbor.
There is strength in gentleness, and gentle person who is a strong person, because he can refrain from revenge.

There is power in self-mastery, and those who can control themselves is a strong person because he can control all worldly desires.

That's where where all the True Strength is ...

Realize We also have enough strength to overcome all the problems we. Wherever, too, heavy and complicated as anything.



Ujung kulon is a special place for animals in West Jawa. There life big rhino which sometimes people called Badak Jawa or one horn rhinos from Java. Thick pieces of very hard skin cover its body. Badak Jawa has a short neck, small eyes and its make they don’t see very well. Instead, its hearing and sense of smell are good. It has a short hard horn above its nose which it uses a weapon.

This big animal eats leaves, twigs and certain kinds of grass. It searches for food in the afternoon, after the sun goes down and it is cool. During the hot part of the day, it plays in the mud, turning and rubbing its body in the mud to feel cooler.

BAdak Jawa always lives in a very small group, and sometimes even lives alone. This rhino is famous for its horn. Many hunters kill these animals for te horn, which they sell at very high prices. Other people make medicine from rhino’s horn. Many rhino die at the hands of these hunters. If this continues to happen. In another few year we will not able to find rhinos anymore….

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009


Making food from banana tree bark.
Banana bark usually after the cut, and then discarded. But the truth can be mixed into a good nutritious food.
How to make food from banana tree bark is:
5 tablespoons flour
LBR 1 chicken breast fillet, chopped
1 / 4 carrot, slice dice deperti make ragout50 g grated cheddar cheese
1 leek, thinly sliced
1 / 2 onion, chopped
2 tablespoons butter
1 / 2 cup milk (approximately 100 ml)
Oil for frying

1 egg, beaten flat

How to Make:
1. Heat the butter, saute onion until fragrant.
2. Add the chicken, cook until stiff.
3. Add the carrots, wait until wilted and add all ingredients.
4. After cheese melts, turn off the fire. Chill, oval-oval.
5. Dip in beaten eggs, then roll in flour.
6. Fry in hot oil.


fried grasshoppers.
Walang with grasshoppers. In the area of Gunung Kidul one animal that is very familiar with the community, are found everywhere and can be cooked for food everyday.
Grasshoppers are usually in the wood made food and are hunted for food. In addition to eliminating pests can also be an additional income. This wooden grasshopper in Java community is very familiar.
This food is quite challenging, though extreme impressed is allowed from religion. Challenging because not many people who consume locusts, good for snacks and side dishes.
Some feel not used, but not often interested to try it. Once tried, most would say, um, .. savory, crunchy and delicious. Do not believe, try it feel delicious. Grasshoppers cooked by frying setelang entrails removed, and washed clean. food from these locusts become an additional source of good future prospects.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009


Lime (Itrus aurantifolia Swingle).

The fruit contains a lot of water and vitamin C is high enough.
Leaves, fruit, and flowers contain oil fly. Lime usually grow well in lowland areas that were exposed to sunlight. Lime citric acid, amino acids (tryptophan, lysine), essential oils (sitral, limonen, felandren, lemon kamfer, kadinen, gerani-lasetat, linali-lasetat, aktilaldehid, nnildehid) resin, glycosides, citric acid, fat, calcium , phosphorus, iron, sulfur vitamin B1 and C.

Taste sour lemon can help clear the nicotine contained in the teeth and mouth of people who like to smoke. From the contents of oil and substances in it, lime is used to overcome dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoid, irregular menstruation, diphtheria, acne, headache or vertigo, hoarseness, cough, body odors, increase appetite, prevent hair loss, dandruff , flu, fever, too fat, tonsils, Anyang-anyangan disease (painful urination), nosebleeds, and inflammation of the nose.

From some recent research shows, lemon juice also has the benefits of preventing a recurrence of kidney stones, especially the idiopathic calcium kidney stones. According to the report, consumption of lime can prevent kidney stones. This is recognized by the Installation Chief Renal Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Prof. DR Mochammad Sja'bani.

In these studies note that contains citric lime high, while many kidney stone sufferers have low levels of citrate. He said the content of citric local lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle round) 10 times greater than the content of citrate in orange, or six times a sweet orange. Gynecology sitratnya reached 55.6 grams per kilogram.

In general, the citric acid in the urine in people with kidney stones lowest in the evening and early morning. Thus giving better lime consumed just after dinner. Lime juice consumed after dinner is not reported gastric complaints. Juice of two limes was diluted in two cups of water.
Drinking this juice mixture to reduce and prevent the recurrence of idiopathic calcium kidney stones. Prevention of this disease should cause this type was found in about 80 percent of patients with kidney stones. However, prevention and treatment of this disease is done by limiting the consumption of salt or salty foods, provide adequate input calcium, low protein and phosphate.
Lime (Itrus aurantifolia Swingle)
The height can reach six meters. The leaves are oval shaped and each leaf-stemmed leaves. Star-shaped flowers are white. Tough woody stems, and usually bear fruit after 2.5 years. The fruit is round with a smooth surface, thin-skinned, yellow and green when older. This plant is thought to have come from north Indian region.


Two properties are found in the eggs, spinach and other green leafy vegetables is believed to protect the blind problem among older people, investigators said last night.

Problems blind and blurred vision experienced approximately 1.2 million people of Indonesia are mostly aged over 55 years and became worse than during the during. Genetic factors is said to be stem when smoking increases the risk of mold.

Both substances identified Lutein and zeaxanthin help reduce the impression of blindness in the eye acts as a filter that can evade the impression merosakkan light than the retina.

Six-year study of assessment practices involve running pemakanan 4.519 people aged 60 to 80 years.

We found, they take a second to contain food-related substances have two possible lower 35 peratus blind problems versus those who were less or not to take food that contains material