Senin, 11 Januari 2010


• "If there is pain in the jaw continually it is one of the symptoms of a heart attack."

• " Logans is very good to fulfill the energy needs for vulnerable pregnant women or after childbirth."
• "Beans could treat diabetes mellitus because of the content B-sitosterol and stigmasterol able to increase production of insulin."
• "Turn off the lights when you sleep the night melatonin can produce substances that can fight and prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer."

• "lycopene found in the watermelon seed can suppress cancer."
• "Eat the fish such as tuna, , mackerel, flying, bloating, bawal, sardines, mackerel as rich in omega-3 fatty acids good for the heart and brain health."
• "Broccoli, red onion and garlic acts as an antioxidant protection against skin layer in the stomach."

• "Cassava has many virtues as a medicine arthritis, headaches, fever, wounds, diarrhea, intestinal worms, dysentery, night blindness, beri-beri, and can increase stamina."

· • "Consumption of black cumin (Black Seed) can h

elp men who la

ck libido and

less healthy heart. Because the black cumin is a high zinc content which can produce free testosterone (the active hormone testosterone)."

· • "Know your heart work by sitting on the floor and aligned to the front foot with the toes pointing up. After that try to reach out and touch the tip of your toes with your hands. If you are flexible enough to touch your toes still means your heart healthy."

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